Web Design and Development Diploma

Web Design and Development Diploma
Next program start dates:
Monday, October 7, 2024
Monday, November 4, 2024
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Offered monthly at our Calgary Campus for Calgary and area residents
Engaging Course Material
Instructors make coding a fun concept to understand, using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, WordPress and Bootstrap
Creative Portfolio Creation
Students are encouraged to get creative with their projects and effectively build portfolios they can use to get hired
Combined Course Value
Students receive training in both design and development elements so they can start a wider variety of careers

Web Design and Development Diploma


Web Design and Development Diploma


54 Weeks


Calgary / Toronto / Winnipeg


Online / On-Site / Combination


Morning / Evening / Weekend

Web Design and Development Diploma Summary

ABM College’s Web Design and Development Diploma Program prepares students to handle both web development's functional design and programming aspects. Students who successfully graduate from the program will be able to meet current industry development standards across several coding languages and create visually and functionally effective websites.

Take the "ABM College Digital Arts Career Training Readiness" Quiz
HCA PLAR Student Guide

Web Design and Development Diploma Highlights

The Web Design and Development Diploma Program at ABM College teaches students how to create and breathe life into their web designs. They will learn to build, create, and maintain websites, which include multiple functional aspects of web design, web publishing, web programming, and database management. Students learn coding languages such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP for WordPress, and Bootstrap, and use them to create core structures for web and server database use.

Discover key features of Web Design and Development:

  • Study online and create a schedule that works with your daily home, work and other commitments.
  • Our diploma program is designed to equip students with the tools they need to succeed in the digital arts field, including proficiency in Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator.
  • Additionally, our program offers a four-week practicum where students can gain hands-on experience in their chosen field, giving them an edge in the job market.
  • With our diploma program, we believe that our students will be able to confidently enter into the digital art field and make an impact on their chosen profession.
  • From functional design to fluency in several coding languages, the diploma helps you with employable skills.

Career Opportunities

  • Web Developer
  • Web Designer
  • Software Developer
  • Freelance Web Designer/Developer

Salary Range

Web Design and Development Diploma Information Kit

This kit includes important details on the Web Design and Development Diploma program at ABM College.

Note: For non-domestic students with a study permit or visa, please see our International Students form here.

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Is this program right for you?

Take our quick readiness quiz.

The fun online quiz will take you less than 5 minutes to complete and will help us understand your career goals and the kind of setting where you would be most comfortable working.

Take the quiz
Web Design and Development Diploma

Admission Requirements

Standard Admission

1. Successful completion of Grade 12 or equivalent. 2. Passing score on the Wonderlic Scholastic Level Exam. 3. Passing score on the Accuplacer Test. 4. Successful interview with ABM College Admissions.

Mature Admission

1. Applicants must be out of high school for at least two years. 2. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age prior to admission. 3. Passing score on the Wonderlic Scholastic Level Exam. 4. Passing score on the Accuplacer Test. 5. Successful interview with ABM College Admissions.

Detailed & International Requirements

For any other program or region-specific requirements, please contact one of our Admissions Advisors. For International Students, please refer to the International Students Admission Requirements.

Domestic Detailed Admission Requirements

Very accomodating, friendly staff and instructors. The school's atmosphere is very conducive to learning, unlike other schools' location on busy and noisy streets, where you can hardly get a parking space.


Course Curriculum

Web Design and Development I

Students are introduced to various applications covered in the web design and web development fields. In this module, students explore the fundamentals of the internet and the essential components of web publishing. They will learn about web layout and design and gain an understanding of the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) box model and the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) document flow.

Web Design And Development II

This module is a continuation of Web Design and Development I, where students learn the techniques they need to create rich, responsive websites while maintaining backward compatibility with older browsers.

CMS & Frameworks

This course includes two main components: WordPress and Bootstrap. Students will learn how to create websites using both.

Web Graphics

Students are introduced to industry-standard design software techniques in Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator. Students will learn how to build professional graphics and the process of how to create them.

Database Design & SQL

This module introduces students to Structured Query Language (SQL) and Data Definition Language (DDL).


Students will learn programming fundamentals and basic object-orientated concepts using the latest JavaScript syntax. They will learn how to add JavaScript code on their websites and how to debug it, among others.

Capstone Project

Students use all of the knowledge gained in previous modules to create a team project. They develop and implement a website and implement, maintain and query a database. They will develop and implement grid-based transaction applications and evaluate and integrate security features.

Web Scripting with PHP

Students learn server-side scripting starting with basic client/server concepts and building upon it with PHP theory and basic syntax. They will learn to use local storage vs. session storage vs. cookie storage and HTTP vs. HTTPS. This module will teach students different encoding types for transport between browser and server applications, basic web application security and the dangers of cross-site scripting and session hijacking.

Web Security

Students will learn the fundamental security principals of the web, and how to prevent common attacks.

Microsoft Office

This course will help students to effectively utilize all the features of Microsoft Office products, and increase productivity. Students become well-versed in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook applications. This 4-week module helps students sharpen their computer and Office skills and prepare for the main course modules.

Career Prep

The Career Preparation consists of different topics, including Self-Assessment, Resume Writing, Cover Letter Preparation, Job Search Strategies, and Interview Skills Improvement. Each module is delivered online with a combination of theoretical principles, samples, exercises, and fun interactions. The instructor, usually the Employment Counselor from ABM College, has a strong background and expertise in employment counselling or coaching.


Students embark on a 4-week practicum placement to gain practical and hands-on experience. Students have the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills they've attained with case facts, maintaining digital databases.

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