Graduation is coming - Now what?

Table of contents

    May 31 is Graduation Day at ABM College. You’ve studied hard, passed your exams, and are about to wind up your practicum. While graduation is a time to celebrate all of your hard work and to recognize an important accomplishment, it can also be a little intimidating….Among the congratulations, you will hear the question ‘what will you do next?’ from well-meaning friends and family. If you are one of the lucky few who have a job lined up before graduation the answer is simple – you will quickly transition from student to employee. However, for the rest of us who aren’t quite that lucky, this simple question is a little more stressful. We will be out pounding the pavement, scouring newspapers, and searching online trying to land a position. Graduating can be scary because the big question of 'now what' is back on the table.

    Students graduating in a field with their hats on.

    How do I meet “Now what” head-on?

    Because transitions can be intimidating, it is important to be strategic about how you approach this transition period between being a student and an employee. A great place to start is with your employment goals:What kind of work (within your field) would you like the most?What kind of employer are you looking for?In what part of the city do you want to work? Will you be commuting from the Southeast to the Northwest?What are your salary and compensation expectations?Once you’ve decided on your employment goals, you should take stock to see if you are employment ready:Education?√Resume and cover letter?√Job searching tactics? √Interview ready?√Approaching this transition with a clear goal of where and for whom you would like to work will help to narrow down the sometimes overwhelming options. Knowing that you’ve polished up your resume, cover letter, and interviewing skills will help reduce anxiety and improve your confidence. If you are struggling with this step, remember that here at ABM College we are happy to help you work on your resume, cover letter, interviewing skills, and job searching techniques. Lastly, having the right attitude can make a difference - view this time as a transition period filled with opportunities and choices, not a mad scramble for employment

    A student writing on their notebook.

    Free College
    Information Kit

    Get started on the road to becoming an ABM College graduate today with our free information kit. In it, you will learn about all of the exciting programs we offer, our philosophy, information about our campuses, and lots more.

    Note: For students requiring a study permit, please see our International Students form here.

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