Of career-defining milestones, graduation remains one of the most pivotal. It is an important transition point from education to vocation. It is the culmination of months of study, assignments, and examinations. Course material aside, work, family, and friends needed to be juggled and sacrifices made. Regardless of individual hardships, all in attendance would readily agree that the reward is worth the struggle.
More than 1,100 attendees packed into Calgary’s famous Jack Singer Concert Hall to celebrate ABM College’s spring graduation on the morning of March 28, 2023. The beautiful venue is one the most renowned in North America and served as a wonderful backdrop to the momentous occasion. It was a day that the diligent graduates, proud guests, and dedicated staff wouldn’t soon forget.
Dr Mohammed Baten
As always, the joyous ceremony officially opened with a welcome address from ABM College President, Dr Mohammed Baten. Dr Baten took the opportunity to congratulate the recent graduates, relate some personal anecdotes, and of course reaffirm his commitment to the ABM College motto:
“Our slogan is ‘Education that Gets You Hired’… If you do not get a job in a month’s time, you come and see me.”
Earning a diploma is a means to an end. Armed with a new array of skills and knowledge, the real goal is to apply that education to an exciting new career. The employment services team at ABM College is dedicated to helping every student successfully transition into their dream job. With many practicum placements evolving into full time positions, new careers were already a reality for numerous attendees.
Distinguished Guests and Dignitaries
Prime Minister of Canada
The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau graciously provided a motivational greeting for the graduating class. While the Prime Minister’s message acknowledged current global struggles, it focused on the hope for a better future: “Your skills, your knowledge, your talents, your minds, and your hearts are what will see us through and ensure that we are on the right path forward.”
In her own address, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith added: “Graduates like you will play an important role in moving our province forward. You should be very proud of what you have achieved, particularly after the challenging circumstances of the last few years.”
Raj Dhaliwal, Councillor for Calgary Ward 5, spoke to the attendees about his personal journey and the ample opportunities available to Calgarians. “This is what this city gives you – equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. It’s up to you how hard you work… Pursue your passion, but pursue your passion with integrity and success will definitely come to you.”
We were also fortunate that Amy Funk made time in her busy schedule to join us again. As the Operations Manager of Emma House, she works first hand with expectant mothers who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Emma House has been a notable practicum partner for ABM College students in the Addictions and Community Service program. Her dedication to community has inspired many to follow a similar path over the years.
Gian-Carlo Carra, Councillor for Calgary Ward 9, sent a video message extending greetings on behalf of the City of Calgary, Mayor Jyoti Gondek, and his colleagues on City Council. Richard Gotfried (MLA Calgary Fish Creek), Jeremy Nixon (Minister of Seniors, Community & Social Services), Mike Ellis (MLA Calgary West), and Marco Medicino (Minister of Public Safety of Canada) also provided congratulatory messages.
Student Success Stories
Melanie Ocampo, an ABM alumna, shared her success story with the audience. As a married mother of two, Melanie struggled to make ends meet by juggling two part time jobs. For years she stayed within her comfort zone, but she knew she needed something more. After weighing her options she chose to tackle the Education Assistant diploma at ABM College and couldn’t be happier. After completing the program she is now pursuing her passion working full time at the Christina Gordon School in Fort McMurray.
Though there were many strong candidates this year, Annabelle Turrecha was deservedly chosen to represent the graduates as our valedictorian. Coming from the Addictions and Community Service Worker program, Annabelle was passionate and inspiring in her message. She opened with a fitting quote from Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most important weapon which can be used to change the world.” Her rousing speech spoke of the limitless possibility that lay ahead and reflected upon her gratitude for those that helped get her and her fellow graduates make it to this long awaited day. “Studying here at ABM College has brought out the best in us – to become who we want to be.”
Walking the Stage
After all is said and done, the focal point of the event is always the graduates themselves. Every single one worked hard to get to this point, and they all deserve recognition and respect for their accomplishments. Three hundred and twenty-two students from a wide array of programs crossed the stage to receive their diploma from Dr Baten.
From local Calgarians to students who flew in from across the country, it was an emotional day. Friends, family, dignitaries, fellow classmates, alumni, instructors, and ABM staff all watched with admiration as each graduate made their symbolic walk across the stage.
Final Thoughts
We take immense pride in every student that we can help to achieve their career goals. A hearty congratulations to all of our promising graduates from the entire ABM College community. May your futures shine brightly and may your deeds echo for all to hear!
While nothing compares to the experience of being there, we have a livestream recording of the event to share with our equally deserving graduates who were unable to attend in person (and of course for attendees to reminisce about). Images of the event can be found in our Photo Gallery.
If your current job leaves you feeling unfulfilled, it might be time to pursue a different path. ABM College would be happy to turn your career aspirations into reality as well. Health, business, and technology – wherever your passion lies, we have the diploma program that will help you get there.
Did you miss the graduation ceremony? You can register here for the next one scheduled on August 4, 2023.
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About The Author
Content Editor
Stephen Emond is an award-winning author and a content editor. He has broad experience in content development, copy editing, journalism, marketing, and information technology spanning a variety of industries. He has published a series of best selling historical reference guides covering decades of computer and video gaming history. Stephen is currently working as a Content Editor and Writer at ABM College.