What Does a Digital Marketer do?

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    More Than Just Tech Savvy

    A digital marketer is an expert in navigating the fast paced, ever-changing, digital world and they make a lot of money doing it. The requirements and qualifications for this industry are far more than just traditional marketing strategies and creative ideas.

    If you are considering entering the digital marketing industry, understanding what a digital marketer does, and how the industry works is a good place to start. Currently, if you look at online job postings, you will notice that even positions such as receptionist require social media management knowledge. Almost all positions now require some understanding of the digital marketing strategies.

    You may also be following social media influencers, or have subscribed to the email list of various online bloggers. These individuals are making money online, doing what they love at their own schedule, all because of digital marketing. If you've always wanted to travel and post Instagram photos to make money, or go beyond basic marketing, a diploma in digital marketing is something you should consider. 

    The Digital Marketer

    As a digital marketer you will be responsible for the following:

    • Google Off-page/On-page
    • Google Analytics
    • Social media marketing
    • Web design
    • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    • Emails and blogs
    • Content writing 
    • Video and content production
    • Digital advertising and brand marketing
    • Content Strategy and many more

    At the heart of it, digital marketing is bringing relevant content to your audience online in a consumable package. There are over 3.3 billion smartphone users currently purchasing goods and services online, and therefore, your biggest market is digital.

    Digital Marketing Explained

    The most important skill a digital marketer can have is the ability to create content that the audience wants to see. With over 5.6 billion Google searches a day, you will also need to understand how to optimize the content so Google will show it to your audience. This is known as SEO, and involves understanding how to use Google analytics to help you boost your content to the top of a customers search results. 

    There are two ways to appear at the top, one is organically by creating relevant and helpful content, while the other is through advertising. Social media also plays a major factor in how Google sees your online presence. As a digital marketer, get into the habit of seeing everything you do online as a whole. Google wants to know how present you are online and looks at how many channels you appear on. Traditional marketing is no longer industry practice, any updated course will teach you how to market on the web. 

    Digital marketing also levels the playing field for small businesses. As a small business owner you can engage your audience online, the same way, as corporations. This means you can bring in customers and in turn make money, if you know digital marketing.

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