ABM College Summer 2023 Graduation Ceremony: The Moment of Triumph

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    gathering of excellence, bringing together more than 1200 attendees, including proud graduates, faculty members, families, and distinguished guests. The ceremony took place at Jack Singer Concert Hall on August 4, 2023, and started with great enthusiasm and pomp, turning it into a spectacular celebration of the outstanding achievements and accomplishments of the graduating class. 

    A Gathering of Excellence

    Staff, valedictorians, and politicians took the stage to address the graduates during the event. Many of the speakers discussed the achievements and milestones students have reached despite coming from different backgrounds. All the celebrations started after the National Anthem.   

    Opening Remarks

    Dr. Mohammed Baten, President of ABM College, opened the event with a welcome address. In his remarks, Dr. Baten congratulated the recent graduates, shared some personal anecdotes, and reiterated the motto of ABM College:

    “Our slogan is ‘Education that Gets You Hired’... If you do not get a job in a month, you come and see me.”

    Photo Courtesy: ABM College

    It's great to hear that the Premier of Alberta, Danielle Smith, Mayor Jyoti Gondek and Diana Batten, MLA Calgary-Acadia sent letters to express their appreciation and congratulations to the graduates. Their recognition is well-deserved, and it is indeed a significant milestone for every graduate to celebrate. 

    The letters also reflect the importance of education and its impact on individual careers and society as a whole. They acknowledge the hard work, dedication, and commitment put forth by the graduates to reach this point, and the value they will bring to their respective fields. 

    With these messages of gratitude and support, graduates can feel proud of the skills and knowledge they have gained, and the opportunity they have to make a difference in their communities. This recognition serves as motivation for graduates to continue striving for excellence in their future careers. Gian Carlo Carra (Councillor of Ward 9 Calgary) also congratulated the students. Daisylyn Miranda (Pharmacy Assistant Program) was the valedictorian for this graduation. She shared her journey and motivated all the graduates for a better future. 

    Guests and Dignitaries

    Photo Courtesy: ABM College

    The ceremony was graced by the presence of several renowned personalities from various industries, who served as an inspiration to the young graduates. Their words of wisdom and encouragement resonated with the attendees, instilling a sense of pride and motivation for future endeavors. 

    George Chahal (Member of Parliament, Skyview, Calgary, Alberta), Gurinder Brar (MLA Calgary-North East), and Irfan Sabir (MLA FOR CALGARY-BHULLAR-MCCALL) were among the politicians who attended the ceremony and expressed their views by congratulating the students and wishing them success in their upcoming career path. Along with them Dan Driezen (ESW - Professional Services Manager (CYB Practicum), and other employers graced the ocassion. 

    Walking to the stage

    Photo Courtesy: ABM College

    As the graduates walked across the stage to receive their diplomas, the hall was filled with applause, cheers, and emotional tears of joy. It was a moment of triumph, marking the culmination of years of rigorous study and hard work. The pride emanating from the graduates and their families was contagious, spreading through the entire audience. 

    Final Thoughts

    The ABM College Summer 2023 Graduation Ceremony concluded with graduates proudly tossing their hats in the air. The moment was captured brilliantly to make it a memory for all the graduates holding their degrees and ready to welcome their new phase of life. It served as a testament to the unwavering pursuit of excellence and the dedication of ABM College to nurturing and empowering the next generation of professionals.

    Photo Courtesy: ABM College

    As the proud graduates embark on their new journeys, equipped with knowledge, skills, and determination, one thing remains certain - the ABM College Summer 2023 Graduation Ceremony will always be cherished as a defining moment in their lives. You can have a glimpse of all the images in the photo gallery on website and watch a video on youtube

    A student writing on their notebook.

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