Often, the mind and body are treated as separate entities from one another, with physical health considered as higher importance. It’s true that physical ailments are easier to see and understand, but being in a healthy state of mind is just as crucial to maintaining your overall well-being. While there is still some stigma about mental health issues, in general, society has grown more understanding in recent years.
The Covid-19 pandemic in particular brought many mental health issues to the forefront. According to the World Health Organization, the pandemic triggered a 25% increase in the frequency of anxiety and depression worldwide. Between the loss of loved ones, the isolation of quarantine, and financial hardships, the toll it took was devastating to many.
Fortunately, more support has become available to help diagnose and treat those suffering from mental illness. Day to day coping mechanisms can be helpful for everyone though. Keeping this in mind – no pun intended – we’ve compiled a list of the top 6 tips to help you improve your mental health!
Stress-Coping Strategies
Although stress is an inevitable part of life, there are several coping mechanisms that are effective in managing and decreasing stress-levels. It’s important to determine which coping strategy is effective in providing stress-relief. Common mechanisms include activities such as exercise, painting, and journaling.
Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the state of being aware of your thoughts and surroundings. It promotes the teaching of learning to live in the present, as opposed to the past/future. It is a transformative mental exercise that encourages individuals to immerse themselves fully in their current experiences, thoughts, and feelings. By intentionally focusing on the here and now, mindfulness enables a deeper understanding of one’s thoughts and emotions, promoting self-reflection and emotional regulation. Regular mindfulness practice has been linked to reduced stress, improved concentration, and enhanced overall well-being.
Maintain Your Physical Health
Mental health and physical health are a reflection of one another. This is why it is important to take care of your physical health, as it is linked to your mental health. Ensure that you are eating nutritious meals and are drinking 6-8 cups of water per day! In addition to this, set aside a few hours every week to exercise regularly.
Break Out of Your Daily Routine
Routine and predictability can help you complete your daily tasks efficiently; however, you should break out of your daily routine every now and then! Being spontaneous and unpredictable at times can help alleviate stress and avoid monotony. Exploring a new hobby is excellent option, especially one that involves expanding your social circle. Creative expression through writing, drawing, or crafting can be very therapeutic in its own way as well.
Treat Yourself
Treating yourself doesn’t necessarily mean to spoil yourself with gifts. Sometimes it is as simple as setting aside time from your busy schedule to do whatever makes you happy. This could be dancing, singing, reading, sports, video games, or any other activity that you enjoy. Life is full of constant demands, it’s important to avoid neglecting your own joy in the shuffle.
Seek Help When You Need It
Everyone feels overwhelmed from time to time. If you find it happening more often or that it’s becoming harder to overcome, don’t ignore it. If you are battling depression, anxiety, or any other mental health issue, don’t hesitate to seek help from a professional to discuss treatment options. There is no shame or stigma in seeking help.
Final Thoughts
If you are interested in learning more about physical and mental health you can check into the Health Care Aide certificate program at ABM College. Career options include Home Support Worker, Care Giver, Residential Aide, and Client Care Attendant. If you’ve been looking for a meaningful career with the daily satisfaction of helping others, you can become a certified Health Care Aide in less than 5 months.
Contact us now to learn more about ABM College.
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About The Author
Content Editor
Stephen Emond is an award-winning author and a content editor. He has broad experience in content development, copy editing, journalism, marketing, and information technology spanning a variety of industries. He has published a series of best selling historical reference guides covering decades of computer and video gaming history. Stephen is currently working as a Content Editor and Writer at ABM College.