5 Trending Job Hunting Tips for 2023

Posted on February 9, 2023 in 
News & Events

As 2023 progresses, the job market gets more competitive with fewer opportunities in hand and more candidates in the pool. Job-hunting has become difficult now, and networking, particularly online, has increased fourfold. It is no longer enough to just send your resume to companies, instead, now more than ever, recruiters scan through your online presence on social media platforms especially LinkedIn for your continued progress and the skills you hold. 

If you are on the job hunt in 2023, these easy and tricky ways can help you get noticed by recruiters. Not only refining and navigating your resume as per the latest market standards, highlighting your Linkedin profile and other tips can let the recruiters have detailed information about you. 

1. Spruce up your resume

Image showing a person with pen trying to work on his resume
Image by Racool Studio on Freepik

Sprucing up your resume can help you land the job of your dreams. Listing to-the-point details in your resume gives a clean and understanding vision to the recruiter. This shows the potential employers that you are serious about job-hunting and if your resume is outdated and information is slap-dash, chances are your application will go to the ‘no’ pile section. 

Fortunately, you can alleviate this by spring-cleaning your resume. Reducing page length to proofing it thoroughly and formatting it properly with credentials matching your job description lets employers consider you as a top candidate. Also, mention your certifications with the skills you have and what you can do for a company. You can also check out more tips to spruce up your resume for an efficient job search.

2. Answer your phone 

A professional dressed man on call
Image by Benzoix on Freepik

Try answering your phone when it rings. The first step in hiring is recruiters calling you if you are shortlisted. The hiring managers or recruiters easily get frustrated when the call is on voicemail or you don’t call them back in a day or so. It is your responsibility to check who is calling you. If you ignore the call, you may miss a chance of getting selected for a position you applied for. It’s okay if you are at work but calling them back is solely your call. Don’t forget to check your voicemails after your work, you never know if your voicemail may have some important messages regarding a job opportunity. 

3. Prepare yourself for Video interviews

A young lady while giving a video interview
Image by Diana grytsku on Freepik

Covid has changed the ways interviews are conducted. Today, many companies have shifted from in-person interviews to video interviews. If you get a call for a video interview or an email about moving to the next step of recording a video where questions are asked, never hesitate to record a video with confidence, but before that do prepare yourself. 

Make sure you practice before sending the final answers or never deliver them randomly. Every interview requires preparation and before the interview, review your portfolio, work history, and any other information which you think is relevant to share. Don’t forget to ensure you have all the necessary equipment required for a video call. This includes a good internet connection, an area with no distractions and an appropriate application to conduct a video call for an interview. Oh yes! Don’t forget to dress up professionally, even if you’re attending the video call from home.   

4. Ask for referrals

A person asking for referals
Image by Vector Juice on Freepik

No matter where you are working, making good connections always works wonders.  Build professional relationships with those who can speak highly about you and your work. When you are looking for a change or have already got a call for an interview, your referrals play a pivotal role in getting you hired. Never mention any referrals for whom you have dicey opinions. Try to look for people with similar job responsibilities as yours. You need to request for recommendation from somebody who comprehends what it resembles to work in your office setting. This kind of reference will give credibility to your application.

5. Try employment services

Young boy while consulting a professional from Employment services
Image by Senivpetro on Freepik

It’s not always that you land a job interview or get hired immediately. This doesn’t mean that you are not capable or are a failure. It’s natural to feel frustrated and disappointed. You should take control of your emotions, try to stay positive and get feedback in order to move to the next step in job searching. 

Apart from this, there are so many employment services available in Canada. ABM College in Canada has student employment services which help its students be prepared to join the workforce right after they graduate. The experts offer individual career training services, which put you ahead of the competition in the labour market. We provide a variety of helpful resources so you can achieve your career goals more easily and quickly.   

Frequently asked questions

More to this, there are a few questions that a company wants you to answer. Have a look-

Great, you got a call for an interview! As a candidate, you want to stand out in your interview because you’re not the only one they’re talking to.

Be prepared to answer these questions so you can ace that interview:

1. If you were to tell a friend about our company, how would you describe what we do? This tests your preparedness.

2. Do you have any written goals and if so, how often do you revisit them? Driven people tend to have written goals.

3. What’s the biggest screw-up or most embarrassing moment of your career? Don’t be afraid to show humility.

4. How do you handle an apology? It’s important for an employer to know how people show up. My approach is threefold: Acknowledge what the mistake was, apologize for it and promise to never do it again.

5. What was the greatest contribution to your last company? Time for you to show off, but companies also want to see if you mention your team.

6. How much money do you expect to make when you start and what about in 3 years? Employers want to see how ambitious you are.

Furthermore, the interviewer – Why do you want to work here?

Don’t say this X

  • Because you are hiring
  • Because I need money

Try this instead ✓

  • Don’t talk much about yourself
  • Try to talk about the company

For instance-

  • Your company is the ideal environment for me to develop my skills and gain experience in an industry that I’m passionate about. 
  • I also feel like I really resonate with your company’s mission as it aligns with my principles. 
  • I believe in your company’s values and have been actively engaging with your company on social media, following the stellar work that it is doing and creating an impact on the community.

Final Thoughts

Finding the right job that matches your skills and education experience is sometimes hard, but if you are positive and focused, then you should not worry. Don’t let yourself get discouraged. Keep on checking new roles and try to apply for them by incorporating all the above-mentioned tips. If you are hard-working and confident, then, you will eventually land the dream job that you have been looking for. 

At ABM College, you can find the course that suits your interests and personality. Browse more of our health, technology, and business programs, to find your right fit.  

Contact us today for more information about the aforementioned programs and how you can enroll in our programs. 

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Good luck with your job search!

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